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About TENS

We provide innovative IT solutions and ICT training in HIGH-INCOME skillsets.

What makes TENS unique ?

Choose us to help you boost productivity & performance by technological transforming.

We offer a combination of IT solutions and ICT training, this helps us to impart competitive skill set to individuals in the society, thus empowering them to excel in their career and businesses. Providing IT solutions that boost business productivity and enabling organisations achieve their objectives is where the intersect for building solutions relevant to the smooth functioning of society emerges.

Sure, the technology has come a long way since then, and the variety of the information objects we’re managing has changed a lot, but one tenet has remained constant: we’ve always focused on the intersection of people, processes, and information. As the Association for Intelligent Information Management, we help organizations put their information to work.

Supporting our clients in their digital ambitions

Development and deployment of a wide spectrum of bespoke ICT solutions to businesses, while providing high impart training programmes for individuals in the society, enabling them to stay relevant in any sphere of engagement they find themselves. With our extensive experience and expertise in the areas of; Software development (Web & mobile technologies), foreign exchange market, database management, Information management systems, network and information security, UI/UX and creative designs.

To deliver excellent ICT solutions, whilst equipping the society with individuals who are self sufficient and financially secure with quality skill sets that keep them at the top of their businesses and careers.

Providing sustainable and reliable solutions whilst imparting topnotch skills, with up-to-date methods, mediums and channels, through effective training and mentoring.

At TENS, we operate on a system of values that defines how we work and offer services to the society.


Innovation – We have the ability to create innovative ideas to respond to various business needs. Innovation is our passion and what sets us apart from the others. Where others see obstacle, we see opportunity.


Communication – Communication is the key to enhancing teamwork and the achievement of common objectives. We are committed to taking measures in ensuring an appropriate and timely flow of information to enable efficient execution of our goals and objectives.


Society Focus – Our business areas are curated in line with its relevance to our clients and the local community. We always research to find the pain points around us and focus on creating solutions that solve the problem.


Impact – Our commitment to transforming lives constantly drives us to produce solutions and services that foster the smooth functioning of society.


Integrity – The decisions we make are a reflection of doing what is right for the business, our employees and our customers. We believe in being authentic, humble and consistent. We are conscious of how our behaviours and words impact everyone we interact with.

Our commitment to quality has been a predominant factor in the production of satisfying products & services for our clients, partners and alumni. We strive to surpass all standards of quality check and effectiveness, and this keeps us highly competitive in terms of providing innovative solutions across different sectors in the society.

Our dedicated quality assurance team performs holistic and periodic checks on deployed solutions to ensure smooth operations and fine tuning with feedback incorporated accordingly.

Our Exciting Process

Research driven implementations for clients' satisfaction.


Edidiong Okon

Co-founder & CEO
Ojo Agwu Daniel

Daniel Ojo

Software Developer

Paschal Oruche

Co-founder & CTO
TENS Auditor- Precious

Precious Enegbe

Finance Manager
Noble 2

Noble Igbokwe

Digital Marketing Specialist